GATORZ solbriller
Vi er eneste forhandler af Gatorz solbriller i Danmark.
Gatorz egner sig specielt godt til aktiv sport hvor det er vigtigt at brillen sidder fast selv ved høje hastigheder. Faldskærm, Paragliding, MTB, MC er specielt gode eksempler da brillen sidder perfekt under en hjelm.
Vi har flere modeller på lager og ellers kan specielle farver og glas bestilles hjem med kort varsel. Gatorz giver evighedsgaranti på stellet og nye glas kan tilkøbes.
Se de modeller vi har til hurtig levering i shoppen

Smoke Polarized
Gray base: Reduces bright light and enhances color perception. Best for sunny days and everyday use. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 10%
Blue Mirror Polarized
Gray base: Reduces bright light and enhances color perception. Best for sunny days and everyday use. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 12%
Silver Mirror Polarized
Gray base: Reduces bright light and enhances color perception. Best for sunny days and everyday use. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 15%
Green Mirror Polarized
Brown base: Enhances contrast, especially in variable light conditions. Best for outdoor activities and everyday use. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 23%
Sunburst Mirror Polarized
Gray base: Reduces bright light and enhances color perception. Best for sunny days and everyday use. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 15%
Gold Mirror Polarized
Rose base: Increases visual depth of field and highlights contrast. Best for action activities and driving. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 10%
Digitally Optimized Polar (OPz)
OPz – Optimized Polarized for full visibility of digital screens. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 10%
ANSI Z87+/MILSPEC Ballistic Photochromic w/Anti-Fog
Non-polar Clear to Smoked Transitional. Best for indoor/outdoor transitions, and hazy or changing weather. Visible Light Transmission (VLT) – 15-86%